The ONS Technologies File Manager
A File Manager pre–loaded with all of the software instruments you may need

We offer you a drag–and–drop File Manager, featuring a range of user–friendly instruments like an integrated image viewer and a range of file editors. You can make rapid uploads, archive/unarchive files, modify permissions and a lot more. The applications are well–organized and easy to get through with huge action buttons and right–click context navigation. Find out more about the different software tools and characteristics built in the ONS Technologies File Manager.
Drag ’n’ drop file uploads
The simplest way to upload data files
Importing data files with an FTP client is an outdated and really insecure way for switching files from your desktop computer or laptop to a web server. That’s why, we have integrated drag & drop file publish support in the File Manager. Simply drag the files that you want to upload from your desktop computer into your web browser and they’ll begin to publish in your website hosting account through a secure SSL connection.
There is no need to set up any extra software pack, browser plug–ins or applications. The drag & drop functionality performs just as well on Windows, Linux or Mac.
Right–click context menus
Manage your files with a mouse–click
The vast majority of File Managers list all of the actions that one can conduct with a file or folder on the top of the webpage. We believe that the latter is just not user–friendly enough. Using the File Manager, you can get all file administration options any time you right–click a file or folder. This approach is also valid for a lot of files/folders.
You can actually rename, copy, move, download, edit, preview, archive, unarchive and delete every file or directory you select with a mouse–click.
Archive/Unarchive files
Archive or extract archive files within seconds
Not like the majority of file management interfaces and FTP clients, the ONS Technologies Hosting Control Panel features a way to archive/unarchive files much quicker. It is convenient–to–use. To get a directory shrunk to a compact size, just choose it and then click the Compress button. To unwrap the contents of an archived directory inside your web hosting account, pick it and then click the Extract button. The File Manager uses numerous file extensions, which include .ZIP, .RAR and .TAR.GZ.
Online file editors
Manage files straight from your Hosting Control Panel
With the File Manager you can alter your files directly online employing some of the in–built software instruments. The text editor shows the files with a plain text format, the code editor has syntax emphasizing for your personal .PHP or .JS files, and then the WYSIWYG editor enables you to see all the edits while they appear online. Also, all changes that you create and keep are going to be shown immediately on the world wide web, allowing you to examine them in your browser and go back to generate further modifications, in case you are not happy with the result.
You don’t have to download any files whatsoever, to change them through your PC and to re–upload them back in your account. All the editors are found through the buttons at the top of the file table or from the right–click context menus.
A logical folder structure
All of your files organized with an easy–to–use way
Each of the files in your website hosting account are neatly arranged into directories. Each host does have its primary folder, that follows the file hierarchy that you’ve pre–set. By doing this, it is effortless to control all of your hosts from one place without any probability of getting lost or baffled.
By standard, you’ll see each of the hosts conveniently mentioned in a table and if you mouse–click once on a given host, you’ll see all of the sub–folders and files pertaining to it. By clicking twice, you will visit a web page which is dedicated to that host exclusively. Another way to load the folder associated with a particular host and then to use it exclusively, is to use the drop–down menu towards the top of the primary File Manager file table.
A user–friendly interface
Command your files with merely a mouse–click
The ONS Technologies File Manager has been created in such a manner to make you feel just like using the services of the file explorer on your computer. It provides you with a solution to drag your files and then to drop them inside a preferred area and shows all of the accessible modification options after clicking the right computer mouse button. Also, the tool includes a built in file preview option and various file editors making it possible for you to manage your files live straight from your Hosting Control Panel.
In addition, we’ve incorporated a set of file management posts and how–to video clips so that you can rather quickly learn how to work with the tool.
Work with multiple files
Change many files all at once
It is simple to work with a great number of files at the same time when using the multi–selection capability of the ONS Technologies File Manager. All you need to do is just press the Control key and then click on the files or directories that you like to pick. If you need to choose a list of files/folders in a row at the same time, click the first file/folder, hold down the Shift key after which choose the very last file or folder in the collection.
For those who have chosen the desired files/folders, you may either drag them to a specific location, or employ diverse activities to them when using the right–click contextual menu or the buttons at the top of the file table.
Quick & simple password protection options
The simplest way to guard your information
In order to password–protect a folder in your site, you need to make an .htaccess file by yourself. Expectedly, this could be time–absorbing and sophisticated if you are not a professional in website hosting. With our File Manager, you may create a password–secured directory and hide all its contents from the regular users with simply a handful of mouse–clicks.
What you need to execute is right–click a directory, opt for Password Protection after which pick the Add option. And then simply define a login name and a password. No extra configuration is needed and there is no reason to address an .htaccess file. Our platform will take care of everything for you.