Through our Hosting Control Panel, you are able to supervise every aspect of your online presence. You’ll have at hand descriptive stats, which will give you actual information about the resources your web sites are utilizing as well as the visitors they’re receiving. You will also find numerous essential details about ONS Technologies’s servers in general. The info is separated into portions, so you’re able to quickly find your way around.

Server Information and Facts

Have a look at information regarding your server

If you need to check what’s the existing release of PHP or MySQL as well as the OS of the server where your account is positioned, go to the Server Specifics part of your Hosting Control Panel. There you’ll also find info on the set–up Perl modules, the incoming and outbound email servers, in addition to the physical IP address your web hosting server.

You will find the hosting server data board inside the Statistics section of the ONS Technologies Hosting Control Panel.

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Access & Error Records

Learn how people communicate with your website

In the Access & Error Logs section of the ONS Technologies Hosting Control Panel, you’re able to start and observe the access and error records for your sites accommodated inside your Linux shared hosting packages account. The access log is actually a list of all of the files submitted on your web page (including text files, image files, movie files, and so forth) that readers have requested to look at.

The error log can be described as a collection of pretty much all cautionary and error alerts associated with your site. It can help you avoid any kind of potential problems with the site’s performance.

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Website Traffic Statistics

Have a look at the traffic to your web site in the finest detail

Through the web stats tools incorporated into the ONS Technologies Hosting Control Panel, it is easy to monitor the customers on your site in a great detail. You may choose between two popular stats tool – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which present you with in–depth information about the viewers to your web site and the content and articles they scan on a daily, weekly and monthly base.

There is no need to setup absolutely anything beforehand to have traffic data for your websites. In the Website Traffic Reports area of the Hosting Control Panel, just simply open the statistics report for any particular site and collect the data you will need for your advertising practices.

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CPU Stats

Monitor your web sites’ CPU load

The hosting server’s CPU is very important for the connection between your site and its site visitors. The more advanced and resource–demanding your sites are, the more web server assets and CPU time will be necessary. Through the CPU statistics area, you can easily check which particular website is consuming the largest amount of CPU assets.

You must undertake steps to optimize your websites if the CPU usage limit is reached. You can view detailed statistics for each day and month as well as for an entire calendar year.

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