Website Migration
Q: What precisely does website migration imply and what does it include?
A: The website migration service on offer at ONS Technologies is totally free of cost and consists of transferring all your web files, databases and emails from your present web hosting provider to your brand new hosting account with us. We will also edit all the configuration settings required for your sites to be completely operational on our cutting–edge cloud hosting platform.Our technicians are completely capable of moving any type of site. With years of work experience in this field, they are well–versed in the specificities of our cloud hosting platform, our Control Panel as well as all other widely used Control Panels. For them, moving a custom app with multiple custom libraries is as elementary as moving a plain WordPress–based weblog.
Q: Just how long will it take for my web site to be migrated over to your platform?
A: There are a lot of aspects to keep in mind – the overall amount of web files, the size of the database, the complexity of the website itself and the current workload of our web site migration experts, etc. Having said that, we do our very best to perform all website migrations in a 48–hour window. Smaller sites are transferred faster – typically in less than 24 hours.
Q: Do you require anything from me before you begin moving my web site?
A: We’ll need the login details for your old hosting provider’s Control Panel as well as the site’s name (domain name).
Q: The login info for my hosting account is delicate. How can I rely on you?
A: In order for us to start the transfer of your web hosting account, you must first open an account with us. Opening an account with us will require that you to share practically the same information you have given to your old host. We’ve also got a very strict Privacy Policy, which specifies how private info is used.
Q: Will my web site be unavailable during the transfer?
A: Your website will work exactly like it did before with your former web hosting provider. As soon as we are through with the transfer, your web site will be configured to work on our platform and we will ask you to preview it. If it is working correctly, all you will have to do is edit the NS resource records associated with your domain. Your website will be transferred over to us with no downtime whatsoever.
Q: Will my old web hosting provider need to provide any info/assistance?
A: No. We will never get in touch with your web hosting provider about anything at all. They won’t be aware of the web site transfer either.
Q: Which web hosting platforms do you support?
A: Yes. We support all common Linux–powered web hosting platforms. We don’t support Windows–driven web hosting platforms, because we do not provide Windows hosting solutions ourselves.Furthermore, we don’t support proprietary web site building and administration tools like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.